Me with my mum, sister and her baby Abigail (7 months).

The Blog Awards (Thank you and Goodnight)
Most avid blog supporter: Jeff Brovet/ Delene Richards
Most avid blog commenter: Christine Terry
Most enthusiastic blog-writer-encourager: Nicci O'Keeffe
Most unexpected blog commenter: Duncan Smallbones/ Nickie Wallace
Most cheeky blog comments: Glen Tyler
Best meal: Salmon and moose in the Arctic (with Patrick and the Hickers)
Best view: North Slope, Alaskan Arctic (also Corcovado National Park, Costa Rica- 40 degrees 100% humidity and jungle to the horizon)
Most romantic place: Log cabin, Shenandoah (Virginia)
Scariest experience: Robyn- Bear Night, Arctic, Mark- Me, scared?
Most mileage travelled in one day: 800 miles
Worst experience: Hiking in dust storm, Grand Canyon (Robyn howling, Mark bewildered)
Best night out: New Orleans: Zydeco dancing and then dinner with Don and Jenny
Most fun experience: Riding tsunami from calving glacier in kayak on Prince William Sound, Alaska (again!)
Best musical moment: Preservation Hall, New Orleans (jazz maestros making music for your feet)
Worst campsite: Pecos, Texas (also Monument Valley and also......)
Best night's sleep: the next night at the Four Seasons Hotel in Austin, Texas
Worst injury: Robyn impaling herself on multiple tree spikes in bog in Costa Rica (followed by Mark chuckling while watching pulsation as spikes removed from artery)
Favourite supermarket: Trader Joe's ("I thought we were only going in for broccoli!")
Hottest night: La Leona, Corcovado National Park.
Coldest night: Robyn- Natchez Trace, Mississippi Mark- Me, cold?
Worst fight: New Jersey Turnpike (rush hour, Robyn driving, Mark thinking he should be driving)
Most confusing moment: Lost in New York City (part of above)
Friendliest stranger: Gene, Road Worker, Dalton Highway, Arctic
Most beautiful bird: Black throated trogon (also Scarlet Macaw and Long tailed Jaeger)
Distance covered: 24 000 km (15000 miles)
Budget daily: $70-80
Highest altitude: 12000 feet (Wheeler Peak walk, Taos, New Mexico)
Coldest temperature: -8 C, Vermont
Hottest temperature: Overcountable in Costa Rica
So, we're signing out. If you're interested in hearing about life in Cape Town, email us on: mark.richards111@gmail.com and robynltyler@gmail.com.