Thursday, July 30, 2009

'Right, we're going on an adventure and I've got clean jocks!'

Thus sayeth Mark on the occasion of packing our bags in our hotel room in the Bermondsey Square hotel the night before we flew to New York.

We had a brilliant weekend in London having extricated ourselves from Oxford in as smooth a fashion as we embedded ourselves there. We were three poster tubes, an iPod docking station and some books heavier. Not bad hey! We can highly recommend travelling light.

So we said goodbye and hello to good friends, pictured below, in London and now we are abiding in Pleasantville, New York for a few days. But more on Pleasantville anon...


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Bakin' Bacon Boy!

If he's not bringing home the bacon, he's bringing home the chelsea buns (and pitas, soda bread, kitka, farmhouse loaf, mince pies and jam tarts!).

Mark went on a bread-making course at Shipton Mill near Bristol last Wednesday courtesy of my aunt Valie who put him in touch with the right miller.

Does he not look like the cat who licked the cream? We could have a career change on our hands.

Hope you're all well and thanks for reading...