The warmth of the hearth, grandma's pie and an overwhelmingly large stuffed bird in the oven - no, we haven't time-warped 5 weeks ahead to Christmas, it's Thanksgiving: that most American of holidays.
We are hunkering down at our friends the Brovets in Raleigh, North Carolina. Our happily extended stay with them is due to the Lovemobile demanding some love (I mean, honestly!) in the form of a new cleavis. I know that sounds like a growth you might expect to find in a nasty place, but it's actually a part of a transmission. So we'll make a foray to DC to get our fix of Smithsonianism and then come back to Raleigh for a last soiree with the Brovets and pick up our spanking new cleavis and attendant Lovemobile.
Mark has refound his love of the kitchen and has baked scones and rusks and tonight is cooking the quail he shot in Beaufort. Yes, we entered the life of the landed gentry for a day. I even had a go at sporting clay shooting. I managed to hit a few flying clay frisbees, which was a miracle seeing as my eyes were closed for many shots as I was recovering from the kick of the shotgun.
Erin, Jeff, Bongi and Ava have been facilitating our relaxation and recuperation of body and mind (this is becoming a theme on the East Coast) in the form of lots of good eating and drinking, a brand new uber guest bed and daily walks around the neighbourhood or local Shelly Lake. We have loved sharing family and extended-family time with the Brovets. Today Erin treated me to a true shopping spree to make sure I'm ready to hit 5th Avenue and the Kings Road in an upcoming episode of 'The Road Trip goes Upscale'.