Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Randy Kamp Works For You!

That's right folks. We're in North America. Randy Kamp is a councillor in British Colombia whose electoral campaign billboard read as per my title. He wore a bland suit and tie but I saw stars, dahling, and sequins and spandex and feather boas...

Although we haven't eaten at McDonald's yet, we are nevertheless 'Lovin' it!'. We've moved rather rapidly from Pleasantville, New York, to Seattle, Washington, with a short detour to Mission, Canada. So within a week we have already negotiated three border posts and feel like hardened travellers already.

In Pleasantville we visited Mark's cousin Anneke and David, Josh and Matthew.

Mark teaches the fine art of pasta making.

Josh and Matthew give it a go.

Dis plessent, ne?

Gorgeous bloom we saw on a farm near the rellies.
In Seattle we're staying with good friends Don and Jenny who live in a gorgeous house overlooking Lake Union - a short portage with kayaks from the water. This pic was taken outside Regent College, Vancouver, where Mark studied. We high-tailed it up to Canada for the night to visit varsity friends of Mark.

One of our travelling goals, inspired by my father-in-law, is to make a 1 min video diary each day - so far so good. I'm attempting to post one here today. Hope it doesn't crash your bandwidth.

Next blog - the purchase of the vehicle!


  1. hoesit
    just caught up on all the news - the baker boy and the chilli hotdog eaters seem to be having fun - have a great time in good ol US of A.
    love us

  2. Now talk about being in a different space - so chilled and experiencing such delights and pleasantnesses already! Lekker to hear both your voices and no crashing of bands heard in Alveston! Love to both, Valie xx

  3. 'KETCHUP'?? Mark, you seem to have adapted to the American way of life already abandoning the good old British/South African 'TOMATO SAUCE' - haha!

    Glad you're enjoying yourself! Great idea with the video though next time maybe a more smiling, friendly, enthusiastic American please to brighten up their image a little!

    Enjoy your time!
    Hope you saw the photo of our dinner on my blog :-) Was such a nice evening!
    Cheers, melina.

  4. Mark & Robyn,

    Don and I so loved your stay with us! Looking forward to keeping up with the adventure ahead...

    Will you add Leslie to your blog? She would love to give directions to the hotdog stand :) allinkinc@gmail.com

    How did you find the ferry?

