perhaps the best defined was that of Texas.
Wide, brash, big hair, chiselled cowboy under a stetson, oil. Also that big belt buckle. So with some eager anticipation we floated down from our happy farm in New Mexico into west Texas, replete with cacti and prongorn antelope plodding along in a far away haze. Evening caught us in the fading light of Pecos where home was the wasteland on an RV park next to a big interstate. No matter as we travelled into our 16 wheeler dreams with plates of wonderful Mexican food in our bellies.

Then as though slipping through a door we emerged into the green and sea gifted breezes of Austin. And to see the shiny face of one Don Broyles who like a Scarlet Pimpernel dropped out of the sky to spend a wonderful 24 hours with us. Austin is an enticing city- lithe river runners, Dell, a university, green, vast clouds of bats, music and good food. But perhaps just the happy cloud of seeing Don again....drinking a beer and listening to great live music.
Onto Houston where we met the city on steroids (via 2 south africans and one bemused american eating a McDonalds (block your ears Tylers) meal on the lawn outside of said emporium). Vast with now what feels like terrifyingly highway driving. But from the hospitality of Don we drifted into the happy home of Cyndy and Howard (parents of an Alaskan friend) for more Mexican, great ice cream and a late night of packing before the adventure of Costa Rica.
He travellers! Now that my trip to SA and our computer crash are behind me I'm catching up with what you've been doing - how amazing! I just love the jungle tails and photos... what adventures, though I am sure not every day is roses in the garden (or jungle!)...
ReplyDeleteKeep taking care of precious each other and I look forward to reading more anon. Much love Tannie Val