Alaska, the Last Frontier, is crawling, buzzing and flapping with all sorts of amazing beasts. You never can tell what's around the next corner. After a short nap (no comment, Mark) on our trip from the Arctic back to Fairbanks, I woke up and cried, 'Hey look at that donkey on the side of the road!'. Familiar with my semi-comatose state on awakening and the strong possibility that this was a hallucination, Mark cast his eye lazily towards the hard shoulder. 'That's not a donkey. That's a female moose!' And sure as eggs, on making an about turn, I verified that it was indeed that morose-looking creature, which despite its bulk, was vanishing into the suburban forest on the outskirts of Fairbanks.

While on the Discovery, we were amazed to learn that Prince William Sound's temperate rainforest has a greater diversity of wildlife than its tropical counterparts. See pictured some Alaskan critters that we've ticked off our list: moose, brown bear(grizzly), black bear (pic courtesy of Patrick, see http://www.alaskaphotographics.com/ for more of his wonders), Pink salmon and Dall porpoises. And not pictured are bald eagles, a long-tailed jaeger, Dall sheep, sea otters, caribou, humpback whales, Silver salmon, trumpeter swans.

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