Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Road Trip by Numbers

Well, folks, we've just left the heights and the bears of the Rockies behind and hit the dust and the heat of Utah. Coming to you live from Salt Lake City is our Road Trip by Numbers...

number of Vienna sausage dogs rescued from car wrecks and drunken owners in Alaska = 1 (both sausage dog and owner were in better shape than they should have been)

number of people giving Mark the bird for driving at the speed limit in national parks = 2

number of 30+km day-hikes completed with which Mark hopes to instill a love of hiking in his wife... with = 3

number of nights slept in our tent = 26

number of nights slept in a bed = 25

number of nights slept in lovemobile = 4

number of grizzly bear sightings = 11

number of black bear sightings = 5

number of possessions assumed lost and returned/recovered the next day = 3 (1 wedding ring, 1 folding table, 1 butter pat - stories on request)

number of miles driven = 7214

number of types of precipitation hiked in = 4 (rain, snow, hail and sleet)

number of friendly border officials = 6

number of unfriendly border officials = 1

number of feet of highest point hiked to = 10700

number of books read between us = 8

number of mice stowaways in lovemobile (eating our food)=1

number of friendly Americans= many


1 comment:

  1. Very relaxed and slow!! Lovely to have this. sorry no Skype yet but awaiting a loved one email with pleasure!!
